Alex '18, Exercise Science

双料运动员. 目标螺纹梳刀. 未来的物理治疗师.

How does the prop you brought represent you?

I am bringing a soccer ball and stethoscope; these items represent areas where I have needed and shown courage. Going into my degree in exercise science I knew that it would be a great challenge and it took courage to pursue my dream; the same can be said for being a dual sport athlete. I’ve always dreamed of playing college soccer  but I was concerned with juggling a sport and the demands of my major. 然而, I had the determination to not only play soccer, I also had the opportunity to play lacrosse. I strive to have the same work ethic when it comes to being in the classroom as I do out on the field, and the courage and discipline to be a successful student and athlete. I enjoy being a leader and helping others when in need, which is the main reason why I chose to work in the health field.  


How would you describe courage in one sentence?

Courage is continuing to fight, even when you start to lose hope.


How did getting your degree require courage?

Exercise science is a very demanding and difficult major. We study how the body works, how it responds to any type of environment, and what occurs when the body is exercising. The science behind the human body is very complicated, but extremely intriguing. In order to maintain good grades, 积极的态度, and be successful in this major, 需要勇气. Courage is what kept me working hard even when I would begin to question myself and career choices; it gave me the fortitude to never give up on my goals. Exercise science requires both in classroom training, and outside hands-on training. It took courage to step outside of my comfort zone to work directly with patients with severe disabilities, and belief in myself that I could make a difference.


 How does your current job or career path require courage?

My career is headed down the path to physical therapy. 虽然, I am anxious about the next step of getting accepted into a physical therapy program and where it will take me, I am also excited about the challenge. Being a physical therapist will be a very rewarding job; however, I know there will be many times when I hit a road block with a patient and I will need the courage and faith in my abilities to overcome the obstacles. Without courage, I can become complacent, and not motivate my patient to their full potential. Courage is a quality that is required of me, in order to achieve my academic and career goals. I will need the resilience and the faith to push on even when the hurdles seem impossible.                                                                                                

How did EU help you become more courageous in your thinking and actions?

The faculty at 东部大学 is known for never giving up on their students. Having that magnitude of support with me throughout my four years is an inexplicable feeling. The professors and staff around campus were so encouraging and excited to see me succeed, that it motivated me to never give up. The support and close-relationships within the exercise science community inspired me to be brave in setting career and academic goals and pursing them. Without the support of the Kinesiology Department, I would not be the courageous, confident woman that I am today.


Where do you hope courage will lead you in the future?

我希望有勇气, 信心, and strength that I gained through my academics and athletics at 东部大学 will lead me to stay focused on my goals to be a physical therapist. I believe the foundation that was formed at 东部大学 will be the focus I can build my relationship with God, 我的生活和事业都在继续. With every new step of my life, whether it’s where to obtain my PhD in Physical Therapy, 结婚或生子, it will require courage to make the right choices and courage to pursue and reach these milestones.
